In general, children are more susceptible to accidents and injuries than adults. This is primarily because of adults have more experience with and awareness of unsafe conditions and dangerous situations. As children learn and become aware of what is dangerous to them and what is safe, they often become less likely to be injured.
The good news is that according to a recent report, children in New York City are safer than those in other cities. Fewer New York City children die from fatal injuries when compared with the rest of the country. However, a recent report by the Health Department indicates that black New York City children are actually twice as likely to suffer a fatal injury as other children.
The study compiled statistics from fatal injuries from 2001 to 2009. It included 470 children, up to age 12. According to the report, six in 100,000 black children die from fatal injuries in New York City each year. This is twice as many as all other New York City children. But why is there a difference in fatal injuries between black children and all others?
In an effort to try to explain this concerning statistic, the Health Commissioner suggested that black children are more likely to live in housing with safety hazards and be more at risk from premises dangers, such as the lack of window guards.
It may seem like presuming that black children are more likely to live in low-income neighborhoods a stereotype. But what else can explain why black children are more at risk than other children? Are black children more at risk in New York City than black children nationwide, or is this phenomenon particular to New York City?
These are interesting and important questions. All New York City parents should be aware of the potential dangers that surround them in their homes and on the streets. Being aware is one way to prevent serious injuries and deaths. Of course, not all tragedies can be prevented, especially if someone else acts negligently or maliciously and causes a fatal accident. In that situation, families of children who are seriously injured or suffer wrongful deaths can often seek help from an experienced attorney.
Source: New York Daily News, “Black children are twice as likely to die of injuries than all other New York City kids: report,” Kathleen Lucadamo, Sept. 13, 2011