Many people across New York City prefer different modes of transportation. Some people prefer to walk and take public transit like buses or the subway. Others prefer to take cabs, and some choose to bike. The influx in new bikes set to hit the road through a bike-share program has caused a lot of debate on the rules and niceties that should be expected on the streets of New York City.
Two people have shared what they call the Pedestrian and Cyclist peace treaty on Because of the growing tensions between people with varying preferences in transportation it is important that all people play a role in preventing bicycle and pedestrian accidents.
The largest part of the agreement between bikers, pedestrians and drivers is to be courteous and always watch out for each other. While there are definitely laws that people should follow when walking, biking or driving on NYC streets, and using sidewalks and bike lanes, extending kind gestures and always watching out for others can go a long way.
The streets can be very busy places in New York City, and if everyone plays a part, they can hopefully reduce the number of people who are injured because of bicycle accidents or pedestrian accidents in the city.
If someone is hurt, sometimes they aren’t able to afford their medical expenses. They might be wise to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney who can help them understand their rights. While a person might be reluctant to file a lawsuit an attorney can also help a person evaluate insurance payouts to make sure they are getting properly compensated.
Source: Slate, “The Pedestrian-Cyclist Armistice,” L.V. Anderson and Aisha Harris,” May 22, 2013.