In 1994, the Food and Drug Administration was exempt from reviewing and approving dietary supplements. This industry has flourished as people try to get in shape, and use supplements to gain a slight increase in their ability to lose weight or gain muscle. One supplement in particular has caught the attention of the FDA, but the agency can do little except send out a warning.
The supplement the agency is worried about is Jack3d, with contains the ingredient 1,3 dimethylamylamine or DMAA. This ingredient has reportedly been linked to cases of increased anxiety, depression, vomiting, and even death. Since the product can’t be regulated by the FDA, there is little the agency can do to ban it. This product has grown in popularity among fitness enthusiasts, but many experts believe it isn’t worth the risks.
Because the government doesn’t regulate many industries, it is important that companies thoroughly test their products and help ensure that they are safe for consumers, or that consumers understand if there are safety risks involved with using a product.
If a person is injured because of a dangerous product in New York City, they might be wise to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney. They can help a person understand their rights and work to help them seek compensation to treat their injuries.
While this product is unlikely to be banned, it is illegal, according to a report citing the FDA. Even though it is illegal, it can still be found on shelves and be easily accessible to consumers.
Source: NBC News, “Deadly workout supplement? Jack3d outside FDA’s reach,” Janet Klein et al, April 11, 2013