There are some products we buy, that we assume come with inherent dangers. However, products that are designed to burn should be tested to ensure they can burn safely. However, because a company failed to do that, innocent victims in New York and across the country have suffered severe burns because of the dangerous products.
To date, two lawsuits have been filed on behalf of victims who were burned while using the decorative firepots. Named in the suits are the manufacturer of the firepots and a number of retailers that sell the pots.
The decorative ceramic firepots are intended to be used outdoors and are filled with a gel-like fuel that goes into a stainless steel cup in the center. Many of the victims were injured when they tried to light the fuel, which caused the entire pot to burst into flames. The fuel does not require a wick to burn.
Among the injured is a woman who sustained second and third degree burns on her legs. After the mishap, she underwent skin graft surgeries and other procedures to repair the damage done by the burning fuel. Prior to the burns, she ran was an avid runner and competed in numerous marathons. She now struggles to walk across her living room with a walker.
A second incident involved another woman who received third degree burns on more than 30 percent of her body. The woman is in intensive care at a local hospital. Her husband also received burns as he attempted to put out the fire.
The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission issued a warning about the gel fuel. An investigation concerning the firepots has been initiated by the commission.
Attorneys for the injured victims say their clients have suffered terrible pain and injury, and they seek to prevent others from being so injured in the future.
Source: The Post and Courier, “Lawsuits filed over firepots: West Ashley woman suffered severe burns,” Glenn Smith, 22 June 2011